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Baby Information

Baby Information

One of the biggest fears for new moms and dads is that they are going to do something wrong.
Next comes the fear that they aren’t going to do something that they are supposed to do.
These new baby dos and don’ts will help you feel confident that you are doing everything that you should be for your baby.

 breastfeed your baby exclusively.
The AAP recommends exclusive breastfeeding for a baby’s first six months of life and that ‘there is no upper limit to the duration of breastfeeding.’

 feed your baby juice or water.
Water and juice are not necessary for your baby. If you think that they are thirsty, just feed them.

 use an iron fortified infant formula if you choose not to breastfeed.
Low iron formulas, homemade formula, cow’s milk, and goat’s milk, are not good substitutes for formula.

 shake your baby.
Shaking your baby can cause Shaken Baby Syndrome, with severe head injuries, brain damage, and even death.

 put your baby to sleep on his back.
To decrease your baby’s risk of SIDS, always put them to sleep on their back.

 expect your baby to sleep through the night until they are much older.
Your new baby will likely only sleep for two or four hours at a time, although you can expect them to sleep for six to eight hours by the time they are about three months old.

 respond to your baby when she cries.
You are not going to spoil your baby by responding to their cries right away at this age, so feed, change, hold, or soothe your baby when he is crying.

 leave your baby alone where he could fall.
Even though your new baby isn’t very mobile, it is still a good idea to never leave them alone where they can fall. If you wait until your first see them roll over before you start being more careful, their first roll might be right off of the changing table or bed.

 support your baby’s head and neck when you pick her up.
A new baby is not strong enough to support her own head, so be sure to avoid injuries by carefully supporting her head and neck when you hold, carry, or pick your baby up.

 heat your baby’s bottles in the microwave.
Microwave ovens heat liquids unevenly, and so can leave super heated pockets of formula in your baby’s bottle. Even if you vigorously shake the bottle afterwards, heating bottles in the microwave should be avoided